With the Laugh & Learn™ Animal Sounds app, babies are encouraged to learn about animal names and the sounds animals make through interaction with engaging animations and sound effects! Baby can tap, tilt or shake to set a learning world in motion! Designed for babies 6 months and up.
• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with the animals. They’ll giggle or slide across the screen to delight baby!
• Music Time!: Once baby has learned new animal sounds, it's time to dance with two sung songs!
• Teaches animals, animal sounds, first words, and action/reaction.
We recommend parent and child joint media engagement. See our Media Viewing Tips at:
End User License Agreement: http://fpconnect.fisher-price.com/dssupdate/EULA/LaughLearn_GoogleEULA.html
Dengan Tertawa & Pelajari ™ Suara Hewan app, bayi didorong untuk belajar tentang nama-nama hewan dan suara binatang membuat melalui interaksi dengan melibatkan animasi dan efek suara! Bayi dapat menekan, memiringkan atau menggoyang untuk mengatur dunia belajar dalam gerakan! Dirancang untuk bayi 6 bulan ke atas.
• Ketuk, memiringkan atau menggoyang layar untuk berinteraksi dengan binatang. Mereka akan tertawa atau meluncur di layar untuk menyenangkan bayi!
• Waktu Musik !: Setelah bayi telah belajar suara binatang baru, saatnya untuk menari dengan dua lagu yang dinyanyikan!
• Mengajarkan hewan, suara binatang, kata-kata pertama, dan tindakan / reaksi.
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Sebaiknya orangtua dan anak bersama keterlibatan media yang. Lihat Media Melihat kami di Tips:
Perjanjian Lisensi Pengguna Akhir: http://fpconnect.fisher-price.com/dssupdate/EULA/LaughLearn_GoogleEULA.html
With the Laugh & Learn™ Animal Sounds app, babies are encouraged to learn about animal names and the sounds animals make through interaction with engaging animations and sound effects! Baby can tap, tilt or shake to set a learning world in motion! Designed for babies 6 months and up.
• Tap, tilt or shake the screen to interact with the animals. They’ll giggle or slide across the screen to delight baby!
• Music Time!: Once baby has learned new animal sounds, it's time to dance with two sung songs!
• Teaches animals, animal sounds, first words, and action/reaction.
We recommend parent and child joint media engagement. See our Media Viewing Tips at:
End User License Agreement: http://fpconnect.fisher-price.com/dssupdate/EULA/LaughLearn_GoogleEULA.html